Metering & Siteworks

Metering & Siteworks

Carrying out utility siteworks, arranging sub-meters or new meter connections is time-consuming. Our team of siteworks experts offer end-to-end solutions for gas, electricity, and water metering/connections.

From arranging pipework and meter installations to the energy supply contract itself, we are here to help make the job easier for you.

Our projects come from various sources, including developers, landlords, consultants, and the end service user. Each of our experts possess the ability to oversee any sized project, from a single supply to multiple services.

Our broad network of suppliers ensures that we can find you the most suitable and cost-effective solution, ensuring that your project is efficiently managed.

Upgrade or downgrade your existing meter

Guaranteeing you have the right electricity/gas meter for your organisation's needs is essential. Our experts can ensure that you are not overpaying due to the incorrect meter type being installed for a previous occupant.

Meter Removal

If your organisation's premises no longer needs a gas or electricity supply, we’ll arrange for it to be safely disconnected from the network. Alternatively, if the property will remain in use, we can help to ‘de-energise’ the meter.

New connections / temporary supplies

Our expert team can assist in finding the most suitable meter and managing the installation process for your organisation. With our close supplier relationships, you’ll benefit from competitive rates and timescales.


If you want to be able to measure and record usage in different areas within your building, let us arrange sub-metering in addition to your existing primary billing meters.

Increase or decrease electricity capacity

Every electricity meter has a set capacity level. Orgnisations with electricity-intensive operations will have a much higher capacity than SME's. Our team will work with your organisation to ensure you have the right capacity. We provide a complete and free capacity review to identify any necessary changes.

AMR meter upgrade

Cut your operational costs by upgrading to the latest Automated Meter Reading (AMR) meter. A smart meter can automatically take and send readings to the data collector. This is often used for non-half-hourly meters to provide more accurate energy bills, leaving billing issues a thing of the past.

Meter Repairs

We provide technical support for your gas or electricity meters. We’ll even arrange for an engineer to come out.

Our range of siteworks services include:

Gas & Electric

Your very own dedicated account manager.

Our energy management services provide you with a dedicated Account Manager to deal with energy suppliers, analyse your energy bills and continually assess the market for purchasing opportunities.

We complete checks on the core areas of utility management, including meter information, contract or tariff issues, usage checking and additional charges. If you have any queries, your Account Manager is always on-hand to help.

Find out how much you could be saving on your utility bills.